Terms & Conditions of Use
Access to this website (hereafter referred to as the "Website") at the Vittas Jewels site (hereafter referred to as Vittas Jewels or a company) as defined in that section of our website entitled "About Us" as well as the use of the content of this website, are subject to the conditions of use as outlined below (hereinafter referred to as the "Terms and Conditions") Access, navigation, and visit to the information contained on the Website is acceptance by user (hereinafter referred to as "you") of the Terms and Conditions.
Use of the Website
Any access to and use of the information contained on this website is subject to these Terms and Conditions of Use. You undertake to act legally whenever you access and use our site and not to do anything that could destroy, interfere, block access, interrupt or damage the functions of this site or prevent the use and use of our site by other users.
The information contained on the website (information, texts, images, sounds, logos and generally any kind of data, hereinafter referred to as the "Content") as well as the Website itself is protected by copyright and any databases remain in the exclusive possession of Vittas Jewels and / or third parties.
You are authorized to download Content solely for personal, private and non-commercial use, provided that all copyright and copy-right references relating to the Content are retained and that you abstain from modifications or changes to the Content.
Any total or partial export, re-use, reproduction, representation or modification of all or part of the Content for purposes other than personal and strictly private (including, in particular, any exposure to the public or any commercial use) is prohibited without the express prior authorization of Vittas Jewels.
In order to make any transaction through the Vittasjewels online store, it is possible to ask for the user to disclose his or her personal information (such as name, address, e-mail address, date of birth, etc.). The user's personal records file will be maintained and processed by Vittasjewels in order to execute the orders and contracts to be concluded through the e-shop for Vittasjewels products and services. Recipients of the file to promote, support and service the business relationship may be Vittasjewels business associates who are involved in delivering the products, other Vittasjewels partners and any financial institutions through which your transactions will be settled upon your express statement.
The user has, within the scope of the legislation on confidentiality of telecommunications, the right to information and objection provided for in Articles 11 to 13 of Law 2472/1997 on his personal data (upon his / her written request and against the person designated by the Authority of Law 2472/1997).
E-mail contact details that the user will declare as part of his transaction with the Vittasjewels Online Shop for ordering or purchasing products may be used to directly promote similar products or services or to inform the user of new products and services , on the basis of the provisions of Law 3471/2006. In any case, the user may at any time wish to oppose the use of his or her email to display or promote new products and / or services.
Vittasjewels can use cookies to identify the user. Cookies are small text files stored on the hard drive of each user, they do not know any document or file from their computer and are used only to facilitate user access to specific services and for statistical purposes in order to determine the areas in which e-shop services are useful or popular or for marketing purposes. The user can set up his server so he does not receive cookies, either as a whole or on a case-by-case basis. In such a case, the user may not have further access to these services.
Terms and conditions of use
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